Finally, an Easy Way To Master
Jazz Piano Theory...Guaranteed.

Learn Jazz Theory at Jazzedge Academy
The content from this site is now found on Jazzedge Academy, the new flagship site from Jazzedge. With a free trial to Jazzedge Academy, you get access to every lesson chapter! There are hours of free lesson content to explore. Click below to get started.
-Your lessons have not only taken me to the next level, but given me a much
clearer path on where to go next. Billy McCafferty, Denver, CO
Full Access
You can watch the lessons as many times as you want, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Lessons can be streamed to any internet enabled device including phones and tablets.
Sheet Music
Detailed sheet music is included with each lesson. Don’t read music? No problem, you can see every note with the virtual keyboard. Follow along easily as the instructor plays.
Student Community
Learning with others is a great way to motivate yourself. Our student community is available for you to ask questions, share your goals and help other students.
Is JazzPianoTheory Right For Me?
At JazzPianoTheory, you're going to learn how to dive deep into music so you know HOW music is created by teaching you analysis, chord progressions, substitutions and more.
This site is designed for the student who already has working music theory knowledge. If you have never studied music theory before, I'd suggest that you take a look at Music Theory Online first before starting at JPT.
The first few weeks will be a review of chord shells, rhythms and basic arranging techniques. We will use my Understanding And Play Lead Lines book as a reference. This structure will allow you to know what lesson is coming next, what to practice and what to expect in future lessons.
We will have several live training events throughout the month to keep you on track. These live webinars will also be recorded, so don't worry if you can't attend live.
In the live events I'll give students an opportunity to ask questions on the lesson of the week and give suggestions for future lessons. JPT is a dynamic site, meaning you, the student, will be able to dictate the direction of the content. I will be listening to students to see what you need, while also presenting you with what I think you need to learn right now.
After a few weeks, we will then move into analysis and reharmonization. This is where the fun begins and we will start creating fuller arrangements that are going to knock your socks off!
I absolutely love this theory work and I think you will too!
I look forward to working with you in the site.

"There is actually no one else in web music education at the level of Willie Myette and I have hired them all. If you are at all interested in understanding, learning, playing or improving your play at the piano, you must investigate this superb pianist and teacher."

Unlimited 24/7 Access
Need to watch a lesson over and over again to get every note? Not a problem. All memberships come with unlimited streaming to all piano lessons. This means you can view the lessons 24/7 without restriction. Best of all, you can watch from any Internet-enabled device. Watch a lesson on your phone then pick up where you left off on your tablet or home computer!
As Seen On...

Student Spotlight...
Thierry is a PianoWithWillie student since 2009 and is from Belgium. Here is his rendition of Dave Brubeck's classic - Take 5.
"Willie has a great passion for teaching, as a former teacher myself I can appreciate his passion. That passion is contagious it rubs off on people, it rubs off on me I know I’m passionate about it now and primarily a lot of it is due to the fact that I found PianoWithWillie."

Learn Jazz Theory at Jazzedge Academy
The content from this site is now found on Jazzedge Academy, the new flagship site from Jazzedge. With a free trial to Jazzedge Academy, you get access to every lesson chapter! There are hours of free lesson content to explore. Click below to get started.
What's Included? is divided into 6 different levels. Levels 1-3 start with basics and teach students about the basics of jazz piano theory. Levels 4-6 show more advanced techniques like dominant motion, substitutions and improvisation.
There is over 21 hours of Jazz Piano Theory video content on the site!
Level 1 (Beginner Songs and Improvisation)
- Blue Jay (41:25)
- Zoeie's Bop (28:14)
- Do'h Blues (38:03)
- Do'h Blues Improvisation (13:54)
- Chicken Pox Blues (23:56)
- Chicken Pox Blues Improvisation (23:51)
Level 2 (Beginner Jazz Theory)
- Major Scale Harmony & Modes (29:35)
- Triads, 7th Chords, Shells, Tensions & 2-Handed Chords (26:20)
- Diatonic 7th Chords and Improvising Over the ii-V-I Progression (23:14)
Level 3 (Intermediate Jazz Theory)
- Dominant Motion (51:56)
- Related ii Chords (58:38)
- Create An Arrangement (59:50)
- There Is No Greater Love (1:19:32)
- Review (14:05)
- Upper Structure Triads (46:30)
- Homework Review (59:47)
- Killer Voicings (57:52)
- Homework Review (1:09:29)
Level 4 (Creating Jazz Arrangements)
- Create a lead sheet only from a melody (43:56)
- Shells, Tensions and Left-hand Movement (46:14)
- Bassline Creation (40:25)
- Advanced Blues Progressions (40:31)
- Blues Improvisation Over Bassline (36:29)
- Advanced Quartal Chords and Comping (32:53)
- Inner Voice Movement (38:13)
- Working With a Group (46:10)
Level 5 (Intermediate Jazz Improvisation)
- There Will Never Be Another You Improvisation (31:28)
- Improvisation Step 1 (21:57)
- Improvisation Step 2 (24:28)
- Improvisation Step 3 (25:51)
- Improvisation Step 4 (30:06)
- Improvisation Step 5 (28:17)
Level 6 (Advanced Jazz Improvisation)
- I Get a Kick Out of You (38:06)
"I've been doing PianoWithWillie lessons for 5 years now, but I've been playing the piano for most of my life, so I've had many teachers. I can sincerely say that my experience with PWW has been my best musical educational experience."

Live Chat Support
Sometimes you're stuck and you just need a little help. Not to worry, our team is available on chat Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm EST. Our talented team can help you with lesson suggestions, technical problems and any other music or account related issues that you might have. (Sorry they can't tell you the winning lottery numbers...yet!)
Benefits of Online Lessons...
With online lessons, you can learn on your schedule be it at 6am or 11pm. With a membership to JazzPianoTheory, you get unlimited 24-hour access to our piano lesson library. Lessons with a good private teacher cost $60 per lesson and the cost of private lessons can quickly add up. Online lessons are easy and affordable.
Get Inside Music By Learning Theory.
It's What Brings Music Together...

Learn Jazz Theory at Jazzedge Academy
The content from this site is now found on Jazzedge Academy, the new flagship site from Jazzedge. With a free trial to Jazzedge Academy, you get access to every lesson chapter! There are hours of free lesson content to explore. Click below to get started.